Yoram Bauman

I now make a living as "the world's first and only stand-up economist", with YouTube logging over 1,000,000 view of my economics jokes. Before that I taught at the University of Washington's Program on the Environment, at Lakeside High School, and Bainbridge Graduate Institute.

I continue to work on environmental tax reform in general and revenue-neutral carbon taxes in particular, including as a Carbon Tax Fellow at Seattle's Sightline Institute (see the blog series I contribute to on "Cashing In Our Carbon") and as a leader of the Carbon Washington campaign to bring a revenue-neutral carbon tax to Washington State.

Quantum Microeconomics is an open-source online textbook for introductory and intermediate microeconomics. That book was the foundation for The Cartoon Introduction to Economics, Volume 1: Microeconomics, which was published in 2010 and was co-authored with and illustrated by Grady Klein. Grady and I went on to co-author The Cartoon Introduction to Economics, Volume 2: Macroeconomics (2012) and The Cartoon Introduction to Climate Change (2014).

Here's my 2013 resume (.pdf) and an out-of-date list of working papers. My archived class page has syllabi for principles, game theory, health economics, and Social Security.

Click Here for the Photo Gallery

My stand-up comedy page is now at www.standupeconomist.com!

Here is a random picture from my photo gallery.

I love words, food, and laughter.

Check out stories and pictures from my trip to Ecuador in September 2005.

At Christmas dinner 2003, my 90-year-old WASP grandmother (Helen Winter, 1915-2009) read this Buddhist Prayer as a new family tradition.

If you're coming to dinner, here's a map to my house.

For Pete's sake, fill out a living will. (Fellow WA residents should click here; otherwise, scroll down to find your state. I can't vouch for registering online; I just filled it out longhand and gave photocopies to trusted friends.)


I am a leader of the Carbon Washington campaign to bring a revenue-neutral carbon tax to Washington State. In years past I tried to gather 1,000 signatures for a worthy ballot measure in Washington State. In 2008 it was I-1000, Death with Dignity, in 2006 it was I-937, clean and renewable energy, and in 2005 it was I-901, smoke-free workplaces. (For the exceptionally curious, here is the archived website for the Pesticide Reduction Initiative, an attempted ballot measure I worked on in 2004.)

My troublemaking page has my op-ed pieces and other stuff, e.g., my conversation with two Texas economists about their textbook's amazingly lousy treatment of global warming.

My amusing parody of Mankiw's Ten Principles of Economics, published in 2003 in the Annals of Improbable Research. It was my presentation of this at the 2004 AAAS meetings that led to my becoming the world's first and only stand-up economist.